
A collection of 2 posts

The Cemetery of Beautiful Unforgotten Books

books 6 min read The Cemetery of Beautiful Unforgotten Books

I don’t remember the exact year I was introduced to The Shadow of the Wind. 2006? 2007? But I do remember what I was doing.

Mowing the lawn. Didn't see that coming, eh?

It was a hot summer day. My cheap MP3 player pumped an audiobook through earphones barely loud enough to hear over the roaring mower engine.  Audiobooks weren’t my thing, but I wanted to give them another try. That’s when the voice of narrator Jonathan Davis read the opening chapter of a haunting, beautiful tale I immediately loved.

I still remember the day my father

Patrick Rothfuss Talks Charities and Process

Video writing 1 min read

This “writing process” video seems to focus on a charity more than a writing process, but secretly it’s all about process.  These are the thoughts you think before you ever write a word.  Ideas need to make sense in a writer’s head before they’ll make sense in a reader’s head. Obviously, some people don’t work this way, but I certainly do.  So much down time, staring at a wall, unfocusing out a window, pacing around a room, thinking and plotting and dreaming, wondering how to tell a story.

And mindspace is wonderful. I love music