
A collection of 3 posts

Making Stuff around the House (and Becoming my Father)

mycreations 4 min read Making Stuff around the House (and Becoming my Father)

When I was a kid, my dad watched Bob Vila's This Old House every Sunday morning. At the time, I knew it as the most boring show on television, possessing zero entertainment value for a ten year old boy who'd rather be watching Transformers.

The show had no games. No robots. No fancy animations. The hosts pontificated on the best type of nail to use for the underside of a countertop or how best to cut a particular wood joint for stability. Are you kidding me?  C'mon, Dad! Who cares?!?! Why would anyone spend their free time watching such nonsense?

Building a Simple Garage Shelf

making 2 min read Building a Simple Garage Shelf

My days at Expedia recently came to end. There will be a forthcoming post (or ten!) about that experience, but I’m passing much of my new free time growing out my quarantine beard and getting my house in order.

First up: the garage.  My old house had an entire basement for storage, but my current house has only a garage. I’m trying to be smart about optimizing the space.

So when I noticed an abundance of vertical emptiness above my table saw paired with the lack of solid storage options for my shop vac, I thought, “Hey! I

To Consume or Create

writing 5 min read To Consume or Create

Are we defined most by what we consume or what we create? Can it be both? Should it be either?

On a warm June evening, I sat near an open window reading a novel when a pang of guilt interrupted my moment of leisure. Why, I wondered, did I spend so much time reading but so little time writing?

This wasn’t the first time I’d asked myself the question. The answers came quickly, and I imagine they’re rather universal (for writers, anyway). Many writers I know spend far more time reading than writing. Reading is fun, after